i thank jehovah that my wife is ther for me now....and so are my children......i any one has any thoughts or comments or encourgment ill be happy to listen...thanks for you r time......donald
I'm very glad to hear you're not alone. I've never been a JW but am married to my now DF'd JW wife who's been going through an enormous amount of things with regard to having emotional disability as well as now can't talk to her own family or most people she'd previously known. I'd been wanting to share some things with her for a long time but restrained myself until she pretty much said she'd lost hope, too. That's when I showed her this forum and sites such as freeminds.org. She's looking into things that definitely have shown her major problems with the WT but is still researching things, and it's taking a while and does cause her times of depression and crying spells.
I know firsthand from seeing this that it's not just some easy thing for many people to simply say, "Okay; the WT is bunk and now I'm fine," or something equally fantastic. But I believe the first and very important phase of trying to recover one's sense of equilibrium after seeing/experiencing some things that bring doubt is to research things honestly and openly to either prove the org is right or that it is wrong. If it is wrong in many areas, then as tough as it may be, you will at least feel more free to look into other things without all the guilt you'd suffer otherwise.
Personally, I'm a Christian and feel there are an overwhelming amount of evidences to overthrow the WT as the sole channel of communication of God to people and actually more of a denomination that is based on a shaky foundation. I recommend keeping praying -- for physical, spiritual, and mental healing as well as guidance in seeking out and finding actual truth rather than solely self-proclaimed truth as the WT and some other organizations teach.
Of important note, if your wife might not be open at the moment to researching some things, too, I wouldn't recommend bringing any more stress into your lives by pushing anything on her if you do find some things that are important and that might make the WT appear less and less to be the one "truth." I believe you definitely need peace for yourself and require that first, but if your wife has more of a mindset in common with you, then you two might be able to start looking into things together in unity. maybe looking into problems with the failed prophecies/predictions of the WT will help show how the WT, at the very least, is out of line in promoting their magazines in such an authoritarian way as to be above debate due to the idea that they've been wrong about their prophecies, so how can they claim to be a direct channel of God's. If you start finding these things out, it might help make you more open to reading the Bible and seeing where things have been taken way out of context to support major doctrines.
I recommend trying to have a very neutral mindset when reading the Bible, as if you've never heard the WT or any Christian doctrine before and just read it and see what it clearly says by reading whole chapters at a time rather than flipping from one verse in the OT to one in the New and back and forth as I've seen occur constantly at the KH my wife attended. Not that it's wrong, IMO, to view verses that way, but it's a very good idea to see what each verse means within context of the chapter it's in to make sure it's not being distorted to meaning something it clearly doesn't.
I believe you'll find a lot of support on this forum if you have any questions, need to vent, or just want to talk. Peace.